

词性 英文 简写 例子
名词 noun n. student 学生
代词 pronoun pron. you 你
形容词 adjective adj. happy 高兴的
副词 adverb adv. quickly 迅速的
动词 verb v. cut 砍,割
数词 numeral num. three 三
冠词 article art. a 一个
介词 prepostion prep. at 在…
连词 conjunction conj. and 和
感叹词 interjection interj. oh 哦

前六类是实词 后四类是虚词


月份 month 英语
一月 January
二月 February
三月 March
四月 April
五月 May
六月 June
七月 July
八月 August
九月 September
十月 October
十一月 November
十二月 December
星期一 Monday
星期二 Tuesday
星期三 Wednesday
星期四 Thursday
星期五 Friday
星期六 Saturda
星期天 Sunday


符号 英语
+ plus
- minus
× multiplied by
÷ divided
not equal to
± plus or minus
/ over;divided by
= equals
equivalent to; identical
> greateer than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
not greater than
not less than
» much greateer than
« much less than
perpendicular to
∣∣ parallel to
!== not equivalent to; not identical to
≄≉ not similar to
² squared
³ cubed
4 to the fourth; to the power four
n to the n; to the nth; to the power n
root; square root
cube root
fourth root
! factorial
% percent
varies as; proportional to
-> gives,leads to, approaches
/ per
* asterisk; star
() parentheses
[] brackets